92 research outputs found

    The link between the quality of knowledge management and financial performance ā€“ The case of Croatia

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    The paper investigates the link between the quality of knowledge management and financial performance of an organization, using the data from the research conducted in Croatia. The theoretical part of the paper presents the literature review on research concerning the link between knowledge management and financial performance. The empirical part of the paper investigates the before mentioned link using the quality of knowledge management success factors as a measure of knowledge management, and ROS and ROA as measures of organizational performance. Based on performed correlation tests, this research confirms that there is a link between knowledge management and financial performance.knowledge management, knowledge management success factors, measuring knowledge management success factors, financial performance, Croatia

    The link between the quality of knowledge management and financial performance ā€“ The case of Croatia

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    The paper investigates the link between the quality of knowledge management and financial performance of an organization, using the data from the research conducted in Croatia. The theoretical part of the paper presents the literature review on research concerning the link between knowledge management and financial performance. The empirical part of the paper investigates the before mentioned link using the quality of knowledge management success factors as a measure of knowledge management, and ROS and ROA as measures of organizational performance. Based on performed correlation tests, this research confirms that there is a link between knowledge management and financial performance

    HRM as a significant factor for achieving competitiveness through people ā€“ The case of Croatia

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    Traditional sources of competitiveness, such as production capacities, financial resources, raw materials, distribution channels etc., are considered necessary, but no longer sufficient for organizational success. Human resources, their knowledge, skills and competencies as well as synergy among them, become the most valuable asset, the new source of wealth, and the key ingredient of competitive advantage. Consequently, the human resources function, which deals with recruiting, developing, and keeping the best people, now has the opportunity to move out of the background into the mainstream of organizational strategy and management. In other words, in a world in which all work is knowledge work and intellectual capital is crucial for economic success, it is logical that the ability to attract, retain, and use the talents of people provides a competitive edge. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the quality of HRM in Croatia, as excellent HR policies, programs and activities enable enterprises to be competitive through people. Therefore, the empirical research was conducted. The population were Croatian enterprises with more than 200 employees, out of which 80 form the final sample (response rate of 14.3%). In order to assess the value of HRM, the audit approach based on HR indicators was used. 55 HR indicators (26 quantitative and 29 qualitative ones) were analyzed, using 10 Croatian enterprises as benchmarks. The list of benchmark enterprises was generated using expert method. Precisely, enterprises from the sample that have the best HR practice were identified by the best Croatian HRM theoreticians. Results indicate that Croatian enterprises on average have insufficient HR activities. Precisely, independent samples t-test showed that 61.82% of analyzed HR indicators were significantly better for enterprises that were used as benchmarks, as well as that those enterprises have better absolute values for all of analyzed indicators. Consequently, HRM in Croatia could not be considered a solid ground for achieving competitiveness through people.HRM, HR practices, competitive advantage, competitive advantage through people, audit approach, HR indicators, benchmarking

    HRM as a significant factor for achieving competitiveness through people ā€“ The case of Croatia

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    Traditional sources of competitiveness, such as production capacities, financial resources, raw materials, distribution channels etc., are considered necessary, but no longer sufficient for organizational success. Human resources, their knowledge, skills and competencies as well as synergy among them, become the most valuable asset, the new source of wealth, and the key ingredient of competitive advantage. Consequently, the human resources function, which deals with recruiting, developing, and keeping the best people, now has the opportunity to move out of the background into the mainstream of organizational strategy and management. In other words, in a world in which all work is knowledge work and intellectual capital is crucial for economic success, it is logical that the ability to attract, retain, and use the talents of people provides a competitive edge. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the quality of HRM in Croatia, as excellent HR policies, programs and activities enable enterprises to be competitive through people. Therefore, the empirical research was conducted. The population were Croatian enterprises with more than 200 employees, out of which 80 form the final sample (response rate of 14.3%). In order to assess the value of HRM, the audit approach based on HR indicators was used. 55 HR indicators (26 quantitative and 29 qualitative ones) were analyzed, using 10 Croatian enterprises as benchmarks. The list of benchmark enterprises was generated using expert method. Precisely, enterprises from the sample that have the best HR practice were identified by the best Croatian HRM theoreticians. Results indicate that Croatian enterprises on average have insufficient HR activities. Precisely, independent samples t-test showed that 61.82% of analyzed HR indicators were significantly better for enterprises that were used as benchmarks, as well as that those enterprises have better absolute values for all of analyzed indicators. Consequently, HRM in Croatia could not be considered a solid ground for achieving competitiveness through people

    Razvijenost prakse upravljanja znanjem u Hrvatskoj

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    Znanje u suvremenom poslovnom svijetu zauzima ključnu poziciju kao jedini resurs koji poduzećima može donijeti konkurentsku prednost. Time je upravljanje znanjem postalo jednom od temeljnih tehnika modernog menadžmenta koja poduzećima osigurava optimalno koriÅ”tenje tog vrijednog resursa kao i izgradnju svoje uspjeÅ”nosti uz pomoć znanja. Iz tog razloga osnovna svrha ovog rada je bila istražiti razvijenost prakse upravljanja znanjem u Hrvatskoj. Analiza prakse upravljanja znanjem temelji se na podacima iz istraživanja provedenog u velikim hrvatskim poduzećima, pri čemu je prikupljen 41 pokazatelj upravljanja znanjem. Istraživanje potvrđuje kako su velika hrvatska poduzeća započela upravljati svojim znanjem, ali također ukazuje i na relativno slabu razvijenost prakse sustavnog upravljanja znanjem. Dodatno, prikupljeni pokazatelji ukazuju na to kako je od pet ključnih čimbenika koji utječu na uspjeÅ”nost upravljanja znanjem u velikim hrvatskim poduzećima najrazvijeniji čimbenik informacijske tehnologije u svrhu upravljanja znanjem, a najslabije razvijen čimbenik mjerenja korisnosti upravljanja znanje

    Histological and biochemical changes in CBA mice after application of Lectranal

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    DosadaÅ”nja istraživanja na Astragalus membranaceus pokazala su da se ekstrakt astragalusa do sada nije primjenjivao kao regulator imunoloÅ”ke reakcije, već je primjenjivan kao antioksidans i imunostimulator. U istraživanju su koriÅ”teni CBA miÅ”evi oba spola koji su primili 3 različite doze lijeka, koje su im unoÅ”ene u organizam per os. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi da li je lijek LectranalĀ®, kao pripravak, toksičan kod oralne upotrebe. Tijekom akutnog ispitivanja u trajanju od 30 dana praćeni su slijedeći parametri: fenotipske promjene, promjene u ponaÅ”anju i preživljavanju, promjene u tjelesnoj težini, količina pojedene hrane i popijene vode, promjene u hematoloÅ”kim i serumskim kliničko ā€“ kemijskim parametrima, promjene kliničkih kemijskih parametara u urinu, patohistoloÅ”ka analiza organa na žrtvovanim kontrolnim i ispitivanim životinjama. Nisu uočene razlike između tretiranih i kontrolnih životinja koje bi upućivale na ikakav toksični učinak LectranalĀ®-a.Until now investigation on A. membranacesus was shown that the extract of A. membranaceus applied for stimulation of immune system and antioxidants too. CBA mice were used as experimental animals and treated with three different doses of drug. The drug used per os. The goal of our investigation is toxicity checking of LectranalĀ®. Duration of acute toxicity testing was 30 days. Gain of body weight, quantity of eaten food, volume of drank water hematological parameters, clinical-chemical parameters, urine analysis fenotyping changes, behavioral changes, were analyzed after 30 days. There are no differences between treated and control animals what would suggest no any toxicity effect of tested substance LectranalĀ®

    Late prehistory periods in the area from Žrnovnica to OmiŔ

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    Kasna prapovijest na prostoru od Žrnovnice do OmiÅ”a za sada je jako malo poznata, a radi se uglavnom o povrÅ”inskim nalazima. Jedino istraživanje koje je arheoloÅ”ki provedeno jest istraživanje Turske peći koja je dala nalaze iz neolitika. U radu se donosi ponovni popis gradina i gomila kao i njihov opis na navedenom području koje je već ranije donio A. Å kobalj te karte gradina i gomila u Primorskim i Srednjim Poljicima. Tako je dobivena jasnija slika o prostornom razmjeÅ”taju gradina i gomila na navedenom području. Prema prostornom razmjeÅ”taju uočavaju se tri cjeline koje se tradicionalno pripisuju autohtonim zajednicama Pituntina, Nerastina i Onastina. Unatoč tomu nije moguće precizno odrediti njihove međusobne granice. Primjereno tomu, zbog neistraženosti prostora, nije moguće ulaziti u veću raspravu oko značenja i/ili svrhe izgradnje gradina i gomila.Late prehistoric period in the area from Žrnovnica to OmiÅ” was hitherto mainly unknown and is largely based around surface finds. The only site that is archaeologial researced is the one of "Turska peć" which provided a certain amount of Neolithic findings. This master theses will provide a list of hillfortes and stone mounds with their description in the aforementioned area, first given by A. Å kobalj and now revised. The list of the hillfortes and stone mounds in Upper (Primorska) and Middle (Srednja) Poljica was updated based on field-work and reconnaissaince. That way, a clearer picture of the spatial dispersion of the hill-fortes and stone mounds has been given. According to spatial arrangement, three units, that are traditionally described to the autochthonous communities of Pituntines, Nerastines and Onastines, can be observed. However, it is yet not possible to precisely define their mutual boundaries. Consequently, due to the lack of archaeologial research, it is not unquestionably clear what was precise meaning and/or the purpose of the building hillfortes as well as the stone mounds

    Histological and biochemical changes in CBA mice after application of Lectranal

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    DosadaÅ”nja istraživanja na Astragalus membranaceus pokazala su da se ekstrakt astragalusa do sada nije primjenjivao kao regulator imunoloÅ”ke reakcije, već je primjenjivan kao antioksidans i imunostimulator. U istraživanju su koriÅ”teni CBA miÅ”evi oba spola koji su primili 3 različite doze lijeka, koje su im unoÅ”ene u organizam per os. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi da li je lijek LectranalĀ®, kao pripravak, toksičan kod oralne upotrebe. Tijekom akutnog ispitivanja u trajanju od 30 dana praćeni su slijedeći parametri: fenotipske promjene, promjene u ponaÅ”anju i preživljavanju, promjene u tjelesnoj težini, količina pojedene hrane i popijene vode, promjene u hematoloÅ”kim i serumskim kliničko ā€“ kemijskim parametrima, promjene kliničkih kemijskih parametara u urinu, patohistoloÅ”ka analiza organa na žrtvovanim kontrolnim i ispitivanim životinjama. Nisu uočene razlike između tretiranih i kontrolnih životinja koje bi upućivale na ikakav toksični učinak LectranalĀ®-a.Until now investigation on A. membranacesus was shown that the extract of A. membranaceus applied for stimulation of immune system and antioxidants too. CBA mice were used as experimental animals and treated with three different doses of drug. The drug used per os. The goal of our investigation is toxicity checking of LectranalĀ®. Duration of acute toxicity testing was 30 days. Gain of body weight, quantity of eaten food, volume of drank water hematological parameters, clinical-chemical parameters, urine analysis fenotyping changes, behavioral changes, were analyzed after 30 days. There are no differences between treated and control animals what would suggest no any toxicity effect of tested substance LectranalĀ®


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    The paper analyzes the role of contemporary multinational companies in the overall development of HRM field through investigating their role in developing best practices in HRM. Using the lens of four different strategies for managing employees in subsidiaries of multinational companies (manipulative, exportive, adaptive and integrative strategy), the paper considers the impact those strategies have on the way HR practices are being transferred and/or developed within a multinational company. Drawing upon results from a qualitative research, the paper discusses the processes and the scope of each strategyā€™s contribution to the development of best practices in HRM, and ultimately how multinational companies shape the overall HRM field.U radu se analizira uloga suvremenih međunarodnih poduzeća u razvoju područja upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima kroz istraživanje njihove uloge u kreiranju i koriÅ”tenju najboljih praksi u tom području. Analiza se temelji na četiri strategije za upravljanje zaposlenicima u podružnicama međunarodnih poduzeća (pojednostavljena, izvozna, adaptivna i integrativna strategija) te se analizira utjecaj koji svaka od navedenih strategija ima na prenoÅ”enje i/ili razvijanje prakse upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima unutar međunarodnog poduzeća. Koristeći podatke dobivene kvalitativnim istraživanjem, u radu je detaljno opisan proces kao i opseg doprinosa svake od strategija razvoju najboljih praksi u području upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima. Diskusija o prikupljenim rezultatima ujedno ukazuje na ulogu međunarodnih poduzeća u oblikovanju cjelokupnog područja upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima
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